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In the AC resonance test device, it is better to use the fixed reactor or the adjusted reactor

Dec. 15, 2023

  In an AC resonant test device,is it better to use a fixed inductor or a variable inductor?

AC resonance test device

  The answer to this question depends on the specific application.In general,fixed inductors are more cost-effective and easier to use than variable inductors.However,variable inductors can provide more flexibility in tuning the resonant frequency of the circuit.

  Fixed inductors are typically made of wire wound around a core.The core can be made of a variety of materials,including iron,ferrite,and air.The type of core used will affect the inductance of the inductor.

  The inductance of an inductor is determined by its geometry and the permeability of the core material.The inductance of a fixed inductor is constant,regardless of the current flowing through it.

  Variable inductors are typically made of a core that can be moved in and out of a coil of wire.The position of the core determines the inductance of the inductor.

  The inductance of a variable inductor is not constant,but it can be changed by moving the core.This allows variable inductors to be used to tune the resonant frequency of a circuit.

  In general,fixed inductors are more cost-effective and easier to use than variable inductors.However,variable inductors can provide more flexibility in tuning the resonant frequency of the circuit.

  The choice of whether to use a fixed or variable inductor in an AC resonant test device will depend on the specific application.If cost and ease of use are important,then a fixed inductor may be the best choice.However,if flexibility in tuning the resonant frequency is important,then a variable inductor may be the better choice.