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What are the factors that affect the partial discharge of the non-partial discharge AC resonance tes

Dec. 13, 2023

  There are many factors that affect the amount of corona discharge in a no-corona AC resonance test device.These factors include the design parameters of the device,the operating conditions,and the environmental conditions.

There is no partial discharge AC resonance test device

  The design parameters of the device that affect the amount of corona discharge include the electrode configuration,the electrode spacing,and the dielectric material.The electrode configuration refers to the shape and arrangement of the electrodes.The electrode spacing refers to the distance between the electrodes.The dielectric material refers to the material that is used to insulate the electrodes.

  The operating conditions that affect the amount of corona discharge include the voltage,the current,and the frequency.The voltage refers to the potential difference between the electrodes.The current refers to the flow of electrons between the electrodes.The frequency refers to the number of times per second that the voltage changes polarity.

  The environmental conditions that affect the amount of corona discharge include the temperature,the humidity,and the air pressure.The temperature refers to the ambient temperature.The humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air.The air pressure refers to the pressure of the air.

  The amount of corona discharge can be reduced by optimizing the design parameters of the device,by controlling the operating conditions,and by improving the environmental conditions.